Acharya Lively Meditations

Acharya Lively Meditations


It is true, that you are the new age human , far ahead , far modern than the pervious man, you have developed, having better understanding than your ancestors , this is the reason you have developed better , when this is true it means you have a complex state of being, your mind has many thoughts because you have better , complex and deeper exposure , this is the reason traditional meditation techniques cannot work for you for the simple reason it was designed thousands of years ago for the primitive man , that man had simple life , his interaction was not as super headed as yours, you will need far advanced meditation techniques than ever before.

You are born in modern scientific world , so you will require better advanced meditation techniques , traditional ways will not make the impact on you because you are not traditional , you are advanced by nature, your culture has somehow become opposite of the old culture – you have changed for the good , you have become fast, your culture has also become modernized.

The traditional methods have to be altered - modernized to suit you , so that it can work with you.

You mind is far more complex, its capacity to accept has increased, this is the reason that the modern man is far more intelligent , you will need smart meditation techniques, your focus point is the mind and it is your chakra point , unlike the older days when the center chakra, the Kendra was the heart , the early man used his heart , you use the mind not the heart because you are scientific , calculative, rational , you ask questions and that is the work of the mind, the heart flows , mind questions , the early man had acceptance of the preaching but you are rational , you need scientific answers, you need impact solutions , this is the reason methods of the old books would be non effective on you, you are asking questions this is the reason new religions are born , because the old do not quench your thirst.

I have not invented meditation because it has already been invented, it was there, I have only improvised it , I have developed better - more advanced meditation techniques which will make the impact, my meditation techniques are no doubt born out of the traditional method but they are developed , advanced , these methods will help to push the center from the brain to the heart , the center cannot be pushed by old methods because the old methods were very perfect, traditional we would need non perfect methods or non traditional methods because the old techniques were too systematic , because you have moved beyond the system, beyond the traditions , so to meet the new man, something new is required , now we need to work with non systematic techniques to move the center , any systematic method will evoke the brain , non systematic method will move ahead of the brain.

My Lively methods of meditation will move the center from the brain to the heart that’s my purpose , all my meditation techniques are lively , they move the heart, they are designed to move your body unsystematically , when you meditate on lively meditation methods your center moves to the heart, it shakes up the heart , it sets the heart free, it removes the heart from the shadow of the mind, from the mind which is very calculative, a calculative mind curtails the freedom, it binds the heart, a bonded heart means no freedom, this is why you feel guilty, this is why all that is good to you, all your cravings is seen like a sin, minds says do not do this , do not do that but the heart needs it all.

You cannot be broadminded , it is a myth that something like broad mind exists , no one can be broadminded because mind cannot be widened because it is full of old memories, the past, it has nothing to do with the present, what is past how can you widen it , but you can be open hearted , the purpose of lively meditation is to make your heart open , when your heart is open new things can be welcomed in life, the boundaries becomes then limitless , if we see all the emotions like love, happiness, joy, sex and even feelings , they are all related to the heart, it has nothing to do with the mind , because mind is of the bygone , it is of the past, when your heart opens up all your emotions - you are awakened , this is the purpose of lively meditations to awaken you, to move your center from your mind to the heart because only when you center is moved from your mind to the heart, life becomes more livable, because all these emotions are nothing but life, I want you to live life completely as it comes.

My effort is to move the center from the mind to the heart, to make you release your complete freedom , lively meditation is needed to move the consciousness from the brain to the heart.

Lively methods which are full of life is needed to make the heart free, as you were originally free , as the first man , as Adam and Eve , limitless, boundry-less , I want you to be as if you are the first person on this planet without any boundaries without any restrictions, because it is only in your freedom that you will discover your true self when this happens nothing else matters , then nothing is required, I want you to feel completely open for all the possibilities of life, I want life to touch you.

Lively meditations are designed to move the consciousness to the heart so that you transform from just a person - to true human and it is possible, I want to bring out the human in you, the very human who is full of love, who has no boundaries , who lives to his own terms , who is not a follower, it is true that when you are full of life when you are lively there is no place for the brain to dictate you, then the flow of life takes place , the very flow which I have called floatness-ness , the floatness-ness in the River of life, when you move in this River of life you will experience the uncertainty, you will experience that you are limitless, that you are supreme when you feel that you are supreme you will automatically be connected to the supreme, the supreme is nothing but the existence mind sets boundaries but the heart has no boundaries.

Lively meditation is the only possibility to bring the change within you, and the change is very much required because change is nothing but expression of complete freedom.

It is only in your complete freedom you will experience the reality , you will experience the truth.

The old traditional methods of meditation like Kundalini meditation and Vipasana meditation needs some advancement simply because you have changed, the old traditional methods cannot work any longer, they definitely need some life to be added to it, this is the reason I have invented various meditation techniques and I name it lively meditation techniques.

Practice of meditation on these Lively Meditation Techniques will bring life back to you, it will make you alive- I want you to be alive rather than just living – my purpose is to make you realize your complete freedom.

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Meditation Center at Goregaon West
Nothing To Consciousness,
A 1-7 Indrayudh Society,
Near Rosary Church,
M G Road, Goregaon West,
Mumbai 400 104.
+91 9819812127 / 9819811193


Meditation Center at Goa
Nothing To Consciousness,
Harmal , Madhlawada,
Arambol, North Goa
Goa 403524